Gen-AI Services for the Consulting and Research Industries

In 2022, OpenAI introduced generative AI and large language models (LLMs), ushering in a new era of computer-led creativity. This innovation has revolutionized culture, art, and business. Advances like Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) have further enhanced these models with private data, expanding their potential. Future innovations will undoubtedly build on these breakthroughs.

DNAnalytics, a subsidiary of DNA Management Consulting, combines international management consulting with AI and data science to drive transformative change.

  • Leverages cutting-edge AI tools for organizational development
  • Offers forward-thinking concepts for transformative change
  • Supports small to medium consulting or research agencies in adopting these tools

The Challenges

The Challenges of Adopting Gen-AI

Utilizing the latest AI tools involves more than subscribing to a service like Chat GPT and asking the right questions on the website. We address common challenges with a smart combination of experience, common sense, and technology.

  • Where to Start: How to begin leveraging these tools and identify their value-add in your value chain.
  • How to scale: Automating processes like summarizing large volumes of interview responses for repeatable, scalable use.
  • How to build technical expertise: Utilizing these tools without existing programming knowledge or resources.
  • How to stay updated: Keeping abreast of the latest techniques and opportunities

By helping to integrate AI technology into your business, we create effective solutions to your challenges and can show you how to take advantage of the new tools on offer.

How DNAnalytics Can Help


We identify areas for process improvement using the latest AI tools, fostering collaboration through agile networks, trust, and transparency. Embrace new thinking in an era of exponential growth with Gen AI offering inspiring possibilities.

Professional Services and Analytics

Support custom jobs for your clients or test new tools against established processes. Services include running surveys, interviews, and summarizing results, or ingesting documentation and other information to enrich surveys with contextual data.

Custom App Development

Develop new applications via API or user interfaces to boost efficiency and self-sustainability in GenAI usage. Additionally, ensure these applications are scalable and adaptable to meet evolving user needs and technological advancements.

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Adaptation is key to staying ahead. With increasing information complexity and expectations, we help you make a significant impact. Your success hinges on your team's mindsets and behaviors, and utilizing your organization’s collective intelligence is crucial. We offer fast, human-centered, and AI-supported solutions to help with:

Speed: Move quickly and involve your team.
Intelligent Analysis: Ask the right questions and analyze answers smartly.
Decision Making: Make timely decisions and communicate transparently.
Innovation: Determine where and when to innovate.
Implementation: Ensure new strategies gain acceptance and remove engagement blockers.
Transform your business for the AI era.

Organisational Development Solutions

New Solutions, Accelerated by Technology

Our solutions, rooted in extensive international transformation experience and enhanced by cutting-edge AI technologies (including Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Clustering Techniques, Sentiment Analysis, LLMs and Retrieval Augmented Generation RAG), follow the four-phase DNA-Transformation-Cycle:

Meet the Innovators:

Our team consists of a unique blend of experts from the consulting branch as well as AI and Technology practitioners, primarily based in Germany. With diverse skills and extensive industry experience, we deliver innovative solutions tailored to our clients' unique needs. Our collaborative approach ensures impactful results and meaningful change. Whether through strategic consulting, AI implementation, or advanced data analytics, we are equipped to handle complex challenges and help you achieve your goals.

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Joachim Döninghaus

Strategy Lead

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A senior management consultant with over 25 years of international experience in development cooperation, leadership development, and strategy consulting. Joachim holds diplomas in Educational Science and Psychology and is the founder of several consulting firms.

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Paul Matthews

Analytics Lead

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A skilled analyst and programmer with expertise in AI solutions, data science, machine learning modeling. Paul plays a crucial role in supporting our clients with cutting-edge insights and solutions.

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Case Studies

Discover how we've transformed diverse challenges into success stories. From optimizing political campaign strategies with data-driven insights to developing growth strategies for international associations through advanced text analysis, our case studies demonstrate the power of innovative solutions. Explore how we utilized AI-driven tools and user-friendly apps to enhance organizational practices and drive impactful results.

Political Campaign Strategy Design

See how we supported a mayoral candidate by leveraging citizen feedback and data analytics to tailor campaign strategies effectively.

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Growth Strategy for an International Association

See how we enhanced collaboration and developed a cohesive growth strategy for an international association using advanced text analysis.

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App-Supported Organizational Assessment

See how we improved Health and Safety practices for a large company by utilizing a user-friendly smartphone app and AI-driven analysis.

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